
AUTHOR: Team Andromeda / SEGA RELEASE: April 1998 TYP: RPG SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: - SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 120€

Die Erdkruste ist dürr und rissig, von trockenen Winden blankgefegt und von der gnadenlosen Sonne versengt. Tief unter ihrer Oberfläche schlummern seit Äonen die verschütteten Ruinen einer längst vergangenen Zeit. […] Nun sind diese Ruinen wieder aufgedeckt worden von Männern, die jene alte Macht benutzen wollen, um das Reich in seinem alten Ruhm wiedererstehen zu lassen. Aber Chaos und Aufstand haben den Ausgrabungsort befallen. Die Craymen, eine Rebellengruppe der imperialen Armee, haben mit einem kühnen Putsch die Kontrolle über die Ruinen gewonnen. […] Edge, der bei der Craymen-Attacke verwundet wurde, stürzte in eine tiefe Schlucht. Ein unterirdischer Fluß, der seinen Fall bremste, rettete sein Leben. Als er aus dem Wasser stieg, fand er sich von einer Legion bedrohlicher Bio-Kreaturen umgeben. Nur das Erscheinen eines furchterregenden Drachen rettete ihn aus ihren Fängen. Aber woher wußte der Drache von Edges Gefahr? Und was ist der Grund für die merkwürdige Verbindung zwischen ihm und dem mythischen Tier? An jenem Tag schwor Edge Rache gegenüber der Craymen-Verschwörung. Seine Reisen werden ihn weit über die Fläche des Wüstenlandes führen. Mit dem Drachen als seinem Reittier hat er geschworen, den Aufstand zu zerschlagen und die Rebellen daran zu hindern, ihre gestohlene Macht zu benutzen. Aber da ist noch etwas, das ihn antreibt, nämlich sein tiefer Wunsch, das Geheimnis des in den Ruinen ausgegrabenen rätselhaften Mädchens zu lüften. Das Schicksal entschied, daß die Zukunft der Menschheit vom Ergebnis der Suches Edges und von der jungen Frau aus der Vergangenheit, Azel, abhängt.

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SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 5/1998: [Grafik: 94% Sound: 92% Gesamt: 95%]
Eine derart gekonnte Mischung aus Abenteuer, Action, RPG-Elementen und Shoot'em Up-Komponenten hat es noch nicht gegeben. Hier kommt jeder ungeachtet seiner speziellen Vorlieben voll auf seine Kosten! Wer die Panzer Dragoon Saga außen vorläßt, verpaßt eines der bedeutendsten Werke.
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After playing this game I was in a near state of shock, and I had to wonder, given how amazing the Panzer Dragoon series translated into an role-playing game, what other game franchises would benefit? Mario RPG is another example of an outstanding RPG franchise, but even still Panzer Dragoon Saga stands tall above all competition, and I came to the conclusion that no game franchise could have been translated this well. I had played all the Panzer Dragoon games first, which was fortunate when it came to understanding the story, but I cannot tell you how much you might enjoy it if you already weren't a Panzer Dragooner. The plot starts off fairly straight forward, you're in a post-apocalyptic world, similar to that found in Mad Max in many ways. Dragons and their subsequent riders once ruled this world, and lo and behold, when the empire that you serve turns against you, do you find one of the fabled dragons. In fact, it's the very dragon from the other Panzer Dragoon games. The game's predecessors were both rail-shooters, and at times Panzer Dragoon Saga becomes one too, but only when your attention is required elsewhere. The game play is great, and works thusly - you have a dragon, and can fly around doing whatever you want inside the levels, going in any direction you wish. But when battles come it goes more a rail-shooter, with you orbiting your enemy. A radar gives you an idea of safe areas around the enemy, and where they're likely to hit next, allowing you to try to avoid their attacks, or get safe to hit them. This is where my favourite new element of the game comes in – your dragon can now morph. He has many different types of dragon, such as a speed type, attack type, magic, and defence. Each dragon type looks different too, with different colours. The speed dragon is long and thin with blue colours, and the defence dragon is short, and though looking. As you level up your dragon he will continue to change and look different. But here's the best part of it; you do not just pick a dragon type – you mix them together. You have a circular chart of sorts, and move a cursor around to where you want it. Like having it mostly be in the attack quadrant, but also very close to speed dragon as well. You can literally watch your dragon morph as you move the cursor around. Changing your dragon type affects the game quite dramatically. I, for one, don't enjoy standard RPG battles, and so by making an attack/speed dragon I was able to move around quickly in battles and charge up my next move faster, making the battles go more like an action/adventure game. But if you prefer more even turn-based game types, you can make a defence, or defence/magic dragon. It gives a very open-ended feeling to the game play type. The rider also gets to attack as well, so you can equip different guns and what have you, as well as use healing items and the like. The story is great, just amazing. It involves a girl from the time of the dragons named Azel, who has a dragon similar to your own, whom you end up facing off against, and inevitably falling in love with. There's conspiracy, a civil war, it's just great, but I can't say anymore for fear of ruining any unlikely opportunity you may get to play this game. There are your standard villages for you to explore on foot (in 3D, of course). You can even talk to people, make friends, and go back to old areas to pick up things you couldn't get before. You set up camp, and all sorts of fun stuff. This is indisputably one of best games ever made. The ending alone is worth the time it takes to play though. Even if you don't have a Saturn, if the opportunity arises, purchase this game and find a Saturn later. www.defunctgames.com (by Darryn Striga)

Panzer Dragoon Saga is set in the same universe as the other Panzer Dragoon games, but it differs from the rest of the series by having strong RPG elements. The hero of the game is Edge, one of the soldiers of the mighty Empire. The Empire has recently ordered some excavations at ancient ruins, trying to discover the secret of an old technology that is much superior to that of present time. During the excavation works, Edge encounters a mysterious young girl. He then witnesses the murder of his captain and other soldiers by Crayden, one of the Empire's officers. Coming into contact with an ancient dragon, Edge begins to roam the world, determined to find Crayden and to avenge the death of his comrades. Nobody helps him but his faithful dragon. But the Empire is also after Crayden, so there appear to be at least three sides in the conflict… or are there more? „Panzer Dragon Saga“ combines elements of shooter and role-playing. You don't have a party in the game: you control only Edge on his dragon, who is in fact the playable character in battles. You move around through the game's fully 3D world by flying on the dragon. In towns and some dungeons you also move on foot. During battles, you can shoot with Edge's gun, or use one of the many special attacks of your dragons. You shoot in real time, and can also move around to attack your enemies from the sides of from the back, or to avoid their attacks. The dragon gets experience points for fighting and also gains levels. You will be able to customize your dragon by assigning to him one of the four available dragon classes, that will determine his attack power, speed, etc. www.Mobygames.com



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