AUTHOR: NCS / Masiya RELEASE: 1991 TYP: Shoot'em up SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: - SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 40€

Sie sind Wor, der geflügelte Kämpfer mit magischen Naturkräften und der Fähigkeit Energieblitze zu werfen. Ihr Planet wird von widerlichen, bösartigen Monstern beherrscht. Erledigen Sie diese hinterhältigen Kreaturen, und befreien Sie Ihren Heimatplaneten!


Gamers Ausgabe 2/1992: [Note: 2-]
Solides Ballerspiel für Action-Experten: dicke Obergegner, viele Extras, flotte Steuerung und tadellose Technik.
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original_soundtrack winamp_plugin


Sobald das Game Over Logo erscheint, haltet Left + A + C gedrückt, bis sich die Anzeige ändert und kein Continue mehr verbraucht wird.

Easy Modus
Markiert die Schwierigkeitsgrad-Option, haltet dann A + B + C gedrückt und drückt nun noch Start.

Markiert das Pad-Auswahl-Menü in den Options und haltet A genau 10 Sekunden gedrückt.


The name is pronounced „jii-nug,“ and it's about the planet Iccus - home of the flying men. Your planet has been taken over by the evil Destroyer and his mutants. Many have gone up against him and died. Now it's your turn…. Excellent powerup system with lots of hidden treasures, better graphics than usual for a NCS release, geekish music, and a sound mix that does little more than get the job done. It's just cool enough so as not to forget as the years go by. - www.GenesisProject-Online.com

Gynoug is a horror-themed shoot'em up similar to Thunder Force and other horizontal shooters. But other than most of them where you play a spaceship of some sort, here you play as Wor, a member of the so-called 'Flying men' who look quite similar to angels. The home planet of these people, Iccus, has been taken over by a virus that has mutated into a collection of quite horrible creatures, and every previous attempt to battle them has failed. So now it is Wor's turn to save his home planet and destroy these mutants once and for all! Gynoug consists of 6 levels with no check points, instead you continue right where you died if you have any lifes left. Each level (except the last) has a mid-boss and a large end-boss. There are three types of shots, one that fires in a triangular fashion, one that fires more concentrated in a corridor and a bit to the back and above/below you, and one that fires to the front and back simultaneously. You can power them up in two ways, by shooting more bullets and by strengthening them. Also, feathers can increase your speed like in Gradius. - www.Mobygames.com
