AUTHOR: Capcom RELEASE: 1993 TYP: Jump & Run SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: - SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 60€

Alurea war ein sehr friedliches Land, bis ein unheimlicher Clown beschloß, das Kommando zu übernehmen. Er rottete seine scheußlichen Kumpane zusammen und griff Alurea an! Nun wimmelt das Land von „Monstern“ aller Art! Es ist höchste Zeit für die Chiki Chiki Boys, Alurea zu befreien! Schlagt zu, Jungs!


GAMERS Ausgabe 1/1993: [Grafik: 2 Sound: 3 Gesamt: 2]
Bunte knuddel-Grafik mit tadelloser Technik. Perfekte Steuerung und unkomplizierte Action.
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original_soundtrack winamp_plugin




Port of the popular superdeformed arcade platformer from a while back about a pair of cute little warriors and the cute little monsters they spend most of the game fighting off in order to complete their various missions. Colorful, cute graphics with a heavy Japanese influence. Gameplay is only average. Otaku should take a look, others should not. -

This platform-based adventure was converted from a Capcom arcade game, and set in the land of Alurea. The idyllic life of the Alurean people was shattered when the King is killed by a dragon, and a range of nasties inhabit the lands. Fortunately his twin sons have come to the rescue, and you must take control of one or the other to put the world right. The boys have differing skills - one is more skilled in sword-fighting (which you are always armed with), the other in magic (available in limited amounts on each level). You collect coins as the game goes on, and spend these in the shop on extra magic, extra lives and enhanced swords. There are 3 levels on offer - Earth, The Heavens and The Sea, and these can be tackled in any order. The first is straight platform action, the second involves jumping across clouds, and the third sees your characters swim. After those are completed, you must venture into the Monster Castle and finally slay the dragon. -


megadrive/chiki_chiki_boys.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/07/17 18:30 (Externe Bearbeitung)
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