AUTHOR: Psygnosis RELEASE: 1994 TYP: 3D Action SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 5 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 15€

Microcosm ist ein phänomenales interaktives Action-Game von Psygnosis, eine faszinierende Reise durch den menschlichen Körper… Die Filmsequenzen sind einsame Klasse. Außerdem wird hier zum erstenmal Fraktal-Engine-Technologie eingesetzt. Dem staunenden Spieler bietet sich die Möglihkeit, mit den fantastischen, systemgenerierten Grafiken zu interagieren. Mit Microcosm bekommen Sie die verblüffendsten Computergrafiken zu sehen UND erleben eine Spielwelt, wie sie noch auf keinem System verwirklicht wurde.

Microcosm is the phenominal new interactive action experience from Psygnosis that offers you the chance to journey within a human body. Microcosm features the most incredible movie sequences filmed and generated exclusively on the most advanced graphics computers available in the world today. Plus it's the first game ever to use fractal engine technology - and allow the amazed player full interaction with all the superb graphics created by the system. And that means that when you buy Microcosm, you'll be witnessing some of the most stunning computer graphics AND most awesome gameplay seen on any system EVER!!!


SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 4/1994: [Grafik: 81% Sound: 86% Gesamt: 79%]
Zweifellos das derzeit faszinierendste Spiel für alle Mega CD II-Besitzer, die nichts gegen eine geballte Ladung Action haben. Alleine der mehrminütige Vorspann fasziniert schon! Noch spektakulärer wird es in den eigentlichen Levels!
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In the year 2051, two mega corporations battle it out for supremacy over an overcrowded, overpolluted planet. CyberTech Industries, the dominant company on the planet, is being challenged by Axiom, who blames the former for their president's death. To gain revenge, they secretly inject CyberTech's president, Anton Korsby, with a virus that threatens to take over his body–and ultimately destroy himself and CyberTech. Your mission is to enter Korsby's body, destroy the virus, and defeat the organism that controls his brain. Microcosm is a 3D action shooter, similar to Descent, that takes place entirely within the human body. You pilot your way through various parts of the anatomy, blasting virii and enemy ships, while gaining power-ups and faster, stronger craft to aid you in your mission. Eventually you will make your way to the brain, where you must stop Grey M, the entity that controls Korsby's body. Microcosm makes heavy use of full-motion video and features high-resolution fractal graphics (to simulate the walls of veins and arteries), digital music and sound effects. www.Mobygames.com

It takes a lot to explain why you're flying a ship around the inside of someone's body shooting at various strange looking enemies. Thankfully, pages of storyline in the manual go some way to explaining things. Pilot your ship around 5 areas of the human body, blasting away at anything that moves and picking up power-ups ready to face and end of level boss. Movement through the levels is on-rails, the only challenge being to not hit anything rather than actually steering. The background footage is smooth and looks good, especially when you consider that this is one of the earliest Mega-CD games. Microcosm is quite challenging, and it will take you a while to fight your way to the final level in the brain - thankfully a password system prevents you having to start from scratch each time. This game featured on the Psygnosis Christmas Sampler CD and a trade-only demo CD has also been found. Small box versions with single language English, French and German manuals were also released. www.sega-mega-cd-library.co.uk

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