AUTHOR: Time Warner / Sales Curve RELEASE: 1994 TYP: FMV Action SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 10 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 38€

Jobe, einst ein einfacher Gärtner, wird von Dr. Angelo als menschliches Versuchskaninchen benutzt und erlangt aufgrund eines einzigartigen Virtual Reality-Experiments übermenschliche Intelligenz. Doch durch die Einmischung der Regierungsbehörde, die Dr. Angelos Experimente finanziert, wird der ursprünglich harmlose Jobe in Cyberjobe verwandelt, einen gefährlichen Psychopathen, dessen erklärtes Ziel es ist, die Welt über ihre Computernetzwerke zu beherrschen. Cyberjobe wartet auf Sie!

Jobe, once a simple gardener, has been used as a human guinea-pig by Dr Angelo in his revolutionary Virtual Reality experiments to awaken parts of the mind. But after the intervention of the government agency financing Angelo's V.R. projects, the passive Jobe attains superhuman powers and turns into a highly destructive psychopath with the intent of taking over the world from within its computer networks. Cyberjobe awaits you!


SEGA Pro Issue 40: [Grafik: 88% Sound: 87% Gesamt: 86%]
A unique combination of gaming styles to give you a curious taste of tomorrow. CD owners should certainly not dismiss this.
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The Lawnmower Man is the game based on the 1992 movie of the same name (itself loosely based on a Stephen King short story) starring pre-Bond fame Pierce Brosnan as Dr. Lawrence Angelo, a scientist working for Virtual Space Industries in „Project 5“, a secret research that attempts to increase the intelligence of primates using psychotropic drugs and VR training. With his reluctance to aim the research to military purpose, after one of the chimps escapes and shoots a guard in the process he is given a forced vacation, and while taking notes on the need for experiment with a human subject, he notices Jobe Smith (Jeff Fahey), a simpleton who makes his living on odd jobs such as mowing the grass (hence, the title role). The first experiments quickly increase Jobe's intelligence, and while after an accident Angelo stopped the experiments, The Shop, a secret agency overviewing Project 5, reinserted the drugs responsible for violent behaviour into the program and sped up the treatment. As Jobe starts to develop telekinetic powers, he starts to take revenge on those who abused him before he started the treatments, and plots to take over all computers in the world. While the CD version of the game (PC, Mega CD) is an interactive movie, both cartridge versions are platformers, the player taking control of Dr. Angelo or Carla Parkette (mother of Jobe's best friend) in typical side-scrolling shooting action. The player can collect better weapons or data discs, which after collecting a number of them allow to morph into the Virtual Suit, which gives protection against a first hit. The player visits several locations seen in the movie, such as the gas pump and the VSI headquarters. The twist of the game are true-3D level connectors, based on the CG sequences of the movie, usually all involving avoiding obstacles (and the occasional shooting) at high speed in the VR world. There are four different (Virtual World, Cyber War, Cyber Run and Cyber Tube), each taking a slightly different approach (Virtual World is seen in first person, the objective being dodging obstacles such as trees and archs and reach the exit, Cyber War similar to Virtual World but with some shooting stops, Cyber Run is seen in third person and requires occasional shooting of obstacles, while Cyber Tube is a fast travel with plenty of enemies in a VR tunnel).

Something of a mystery surrounds this title. The game was released with the box etc. labelled with „PAL and Secam“, but upon trying to load the game the Mega-CD boots into to the audio player screen. Two tracks are available - a long one (which presumably is the game data) and a short track of a female voice with a US accent saying „Warning - this disc is for use in Sega-CD systems only“. As the disc contains the wrong region code it wouldn't play on most peoples systems (importers and CDX owners excluded), and the game was then recalled and never re-released in the proper format. The game itself consists of a series of mini-games separated by CG-scenes in the style of the movie and monochrome cut-scenes from the film itself, which are seemingly out of order and bear no relevance to what little plot there is in the game. The levels themselves vary from Dragon's Lair type quick reaction button responses to cryptic odd-one-out style puzzles and even reading the traces on a circuit board to determine the safe route to the other side. The game has little flow to it and is at times horrendously frustrating, though it does show moments of graphical finesse. The fact that it was released and recalled makes this quite a rare title.

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