AUTHOR: Digital Pict. / Imagesoft RELEASE: 1993 TYP: Entertainment SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: - SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 25€

Sie sind zu Gast in Boyd Packers „Make My Video“ Fernseh-Show, wo Sie Ihre eigene Kris Kross-Promo gestalten können. Zum kristallklaren Klang von „Jump“ und „Warm It Up“, beste CD-Qualität versteht sich, haben Sie die Möglichkeit, in drei Editierfenstern Ihr Talent unter Beweis zu stellen: Sie überarbeiten digitalisierte Videoclips der echten Promos der Band, berühmte Filme, Animationen und Spezialeffekte.

Join veejay Boyd Packer on the 'Make My Video' TV call-in show and knock up your own Kris Kross promo. AS hits like „Jump“ and „Warm It Up“ crank out in crystal clear Cd sound, you edit from three windows of constantly changing digitised video clips of the group's real promos, famous movies, animation and special effects.








Make My Video: Kris Kross is a video game based on real-time editing of music video footage. The setup is that a radio DJ is taking calls from listeners who want to see custom videos for their favorite Kris Kross videos. The specifications normally come in the form of a set of pictures they either do or don't want to see, and perhaps some effects. The game has three Kris Kross videos from which to choose: „Jump“, „Warm It Up“, and „I Missed The Bus“. After receiving the video specifications, the player enters the video editing console in the EditChallenge mode. From this console, the player can view and select between 3 video streams that are playing. The selected stream will be edited into the final video. One stream is the original video while the other 2 feature assorted random footage that nonetheless often carries images that happened to have been specified in the video request. The video editing console also allows the player to apply a variety of real-time filters, such as mosaic and blur filters, RGB color filters, strobe and motion filters, lyric subtitles, among others. Once the video is over and your work is completed, the DJ evaluates the video to decide if it meets specification. If it does not, he will refuse to play it back. The game also allows the user to enter a mode called U-Direct. Rather than being competitive, U-Direct allows the player to use the console to create any type of video and also save the results.

A „Make My Video“ title featuring the Kris Kross songs „Jump“, „Warm It Up“ and „I Missed The Bus“. If you've been browsing the other titles in the MMV series you may notice they've all got got practically the same review. That's because they're practically the same game. The title screens are almost identical, and although the front end has a different theme for each game, the gameplay (such as it is) is the same. Three video windows show footage of the group themselves, films, cartoons or other images, and you choose when to insert them into the video. Colour filters and effects can be applied to spice things up, but that's all you can do. Once the song is over you can save your efforts and a character from the introduction will give their opinion of your creation. The video itself is not the best seen on the Mega CD, but can be forgiven as three different streams are filling four windows at all times. Audio is of course CD quality, and there are high quality renditions of all 3 tracks that can be played on a standard CD player. All three titles are technically outstanding when you consider the hardware they're running on, and can be picked up cheaply, but perhaps remain more for fans of the groups or 90s music in general rather than gamers. This game came in a large US-style box. A variation with a vertical blue stripe on the left and English manual was also released. Although the part number printed on the manual is the same, the English only version is usually differentiated by a sticker on the outside of the box. Two similar titles were released featuring C & C Music Factory and INXS.

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mega-cd/kris_kross.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2012/01/26 01:32 (Externe Bearbeitung)
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