---- ^[[mega-cd:f|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE F]]^ {{mega-cd:logo_final_fight_cd.gif}} ---- **AUTHOR: ** Capcom **RELEASE:** 1993 **TYP:** [[mcd:Beat'em Up|Side-Scrolling Beat'em Up]] **SPIELER:** 2 **LEVEL:** 9 **SPRACHE:** Englisch **WERT:** 20€ ---- Als Haggar, Cody oder Guy erobern Sie Metro City mit der blanken Faust, dem Degen oder einem Schlagrohr aus den Händen der Mad Gear Gang zurück! As Haggar, Cody or Guy, use your bare hands or grab a blade or pipe and reclaim Metro City from the Mad Gear Gang! {{mega-cd:klein_final_fight_cd_01.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_final_fight_cd_02.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_final_fight_cd_03.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_final_fight_cd_04.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_final_fight_cd_05.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_final_fight_cd_06.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_final_fight_cd_07.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_final_fight_cd_08.gif?200}} ---- ^Presse^ **SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 1/1993:** [Grafik: 75% Sound: 69% Gesamt: 74%] \\ // Die technische Seite, mit den großen Sprites und dem glasklaren Sound, kann man als sehr ansprechend bezeichnen. Doch im Jahre 1993 sind drei Schlagvariationen einfach zu wenig, gerade wenn man sich Spiele wie Streets of Rage 2 anguckt. Greenhorns seien übrigens gewarnt: Final Fight CD ist eine harte Nuß!// \\ {{mcd_final_fight_cd_segamag.zip|kompletten Artikel runterladen}} **GAMERS Special Ausgabe 1/1994:** [Grafik: 3+ Sound: 3+ Gesamt: 3] \\ // Alle Features des Vorbilds wurden umgesetzt. Zusätzlich spendierten Segas Programmierer einen Bonus-Level.// \\ {{mcd_amazing_spider-man_cd_gamers.zip|kompletten Artikel runterladen}} ^Files^ - ^Codes^ - ^Kommentare^ //Metro City...a known crime capital. A dangerous city where a violent gang known as the Mad Gear keeps a deadly vice-like grip on the city. Mad Gear has Metro City as its own personal stomping ground, doing as they please. But there's one obstacle in their way, which they intend to knock down. Newly elected mayor and former street fighter Mike Haggar promises to clean up the streets and restore Metro City to its once former glory. But the Mad Gear thinks otherwise, so in order to bring Haggar under their control like the mayor before him, they kidnap his daughter Jessica and threaten to kill her if he carries out his plan. Haggar, being the huge wrestling powerhouse that he is, decides to do a little something about them himself... Together with Jessica's boyfriend Cody, and ninja friend Guy, Haggar's gonna clean up the streets of Metro City the only way he can now: stompin' and smashin' some skulls in! Final Fight CD is a special CD version of the original Final Fight, with a new arranged CD soundtrack and extra features. It is a Sega CD exclusive game.// www.Mobygames.com //For all you Sega CD fans looking for some side-scrolling, butt-kicking mayhem, Final Fight CD is a good choice. The gameplay is exactly like Streets of Rage (SOR), but these fighters are HUGE! The three playable characters are Guy, Cody, and Haggar. Unlike SOR, the Final Fight locations are entirely urban, including slums, bars, a subway, underground fight clubs, and industrial areas. The scenery isn't spectacular, but it's constantly changing and never boring. The characters are nicely detailed, and their huge size lets you take out three or four bad guys with one kick! The cast of thugs includes all the usual suspects, including the spiky-haired punk, the fat guy, the Neanderthal man, huge bosses, and some fine looking hookers (with handcuffs even!). It's a nice touch how the bosses struggle to get up before they finally collapse in defeat. Along with the standard punches, throws, jump kicks, and special moves, there are loads of knives, swords, and pipes available to keep the bad guys at bay. In a nod to Street Fighter, there are two bonus stages thrown in that let you destroy a car or smash glass panels. The jazzy Miami Vice-inspired background music is crystal clear but not particularly memorable. Likewise the sound effects won't really catch your ear. But if you're looking to kick some ass, don't hesitate to pick this game up. Unlike the lame SNES version, the game supports two players. My wife thinks it might be better than Streets of Rage. You be the judge.// www.videogamecritic.net //A top-notch conversion of the arcade classic. One or two players can choose from the three characters and batter their way through a succession of gang members and end-of-level bosses to rescue Mayor Mike Haggar's daughter and save the city. The arcade intro survives intact, the sprites are full sized and well detailed, and the action is complemented by an excellent CD audio soundtrack. Two players are needed to get the most out of the game, as the solo journey is ferociously hard. An extra challenge can be found in the "Time Attack" mode, giving you a set time to defeat as many opponents as possible. This is perhaps the only title to give the Streets of Rage series a run for its money.// www.sega-mega-cd-library.co.uk ---- {{mega-cd:mcd_final_fight_cd_bb.jpg?410}} {{mega-cd:mcd_final_fight_cd_aa.jpg?410}} \\ ----