---- ^[[mega-cd:f|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE F]]^ {{mega-cd:logo_fahrenheit.gif}} ---- **AUTHOR: ** SEGA **RELEASE:** 1995 **TYP:** [[mcd:3D Action|FMV Action]] **SPIELER:** 1 **LEVEL:** 3 **SPRACHE:** Englisch **WERT:** 40€ ---- Dies ist keine Übung! Die Luft voller Rauch und zum Schneiden dick. Die Temperatur übersteigt jedes erträgliche Maß und Sie sind mittendrin. Drei volldigitalisierte TruVideo-Scenarios vom brennenden Hotel bis zur verminten Universität konfrontieren Sie mit brandheißer Action. Stemmen Sie verschlossene Türen auf und finden Sie versteckte Gänge auf Ihrer gefährlichen Suche nach Überlebenden. Aber Vorsicht! Nicht nur Ihr eigenes Leben steht auf dem Spiel. This is not a drill! The air is thick with smoke and the temperature is nearing 1000 degrees. Three digitized full-motion scenarios face you from a flaming hotel to a booby-trapped university building. Chainsaw doors down, search hidden passages and brave the blaze in your hunt for survivors. But watch out, one wrong turn and you're toast! {{mega-cd:klein_fahrenheit_cd_01.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_fahrenheit_cd_02.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_fahrenheit_cd_03.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_fahrenheit_cd_04.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_fahrenheit_cd_05.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_fahrenheit_cd_06.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_fahrenheit_cd_07.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_fahrenheit_cd_08.gif?200}} ---- ^Presse^ **SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 11/1995:** [Grafik: 65% Sound: 69% Gesamt: 40%] \\ // Was von der Thematik her spannend klingt, entpuppt sich recht schnell als Pseudo-Interaktivität. Zum einen beschränken sich eure Handlungsmöglichkeiten nur auf wenige Richtungsbefehle, zum anderen verliert man allzu schnell die Orientierung und wandelt mitunter ziellos durch die Gänge. Gegenmaßnahme: Nur stupides Auswendiglernen führt zum Erfolg, was auf Dauer jedoch absolut ermüdend ist.// \\ {{mcd_fahrenheit_segamag.zip|kompletten Artikel runterladen}} ^Files^ - ^Codes^ - ^Kommentare^ //Fahrenheit is an interactive movie that puts you into the flame-resistant suit of a firefighter. You are the new guy in the firehouse. Last week, you saved three lives. But now, you are on a new squad and have to prove yourself. Like most interactive movies, you play Fahrenheit entirely while watching a digitized video. At certain critical points in the video, you must press certain directions on the control pad or action buttons to move on in the game. Fahrenheit takes this a step further by providing several buildings in which you have the ability to move from room to room in a non-linear fashion. As you move from room to room, you have to locate victims and neutralize fire hazards.// www.Mobygames.com //Oh no, not another FMV game. Hang on, this one's actually quite good. Each level has one or more main objectives (usually rescue anyone trapped inside) and secondary objectives such as removing flammable items or (and I'm not kidding here) rescuing the family cat. Although you're playing the new recruit you're actually autonomous, choosing which direction to head in and, on occasion, responding "Yes", "No" or "Maybe" to questions from the rest of the team. Fail to make a decision or pick a direction within the time limit and a colleague will make the choice for you and the game continues with you back in charge. Your air supply acts as a timer for the levels, adding a sense of urgency to proceedings and you always have to remember to leave enough to get back out. Like all FMV games it does boil down to pressing the right buttons in the right order, and learning the sequence can be a harsh experience as pitfalls such as a backdraft from chopping down the wrong door can end the level immediately. The Mega-CD does a good job of running the footage given its limited colour palette and the video is full screen and quick enough to react to your decisions, albeit with a second or too of filler footage whilst the next bit is found. Happily the manual contains maps for each building and the pause screen tells you exactly where you are to prevent you getting lost in the inferno. There's nothing more than the scenarios so once you've finished those there's nothing to bring you back. The difficulty levels alters the rate at which your air supply runs out on the first two levels, but enlarges the map on level 3 (the university) to add some extra challenge. While it lasts the game is tense and atmospheric, and must be the pick of the "interactive film" titles the Mega-CD was often derided for. As with all later releases Fahrenheit is quite hard to hunt down but doesn't fetch astronomical prices.// www.sega-mega-cd-library.co.uk ---- {{mega-cd:mcd_fahrenheit_cd_bb.jpg?410}} {{mega-cd:mcd_fahrenheit_cd_aa.jpg?410}} \\ {{mega-cd:mcd_fahrenheit_cd_bb2.jpg?410}} {{mega-cd:mcd_fahrenheit_cd_aa2.jpg?410}} \\ ----