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AUTHOR: Williams / Flying Edge RELEASE: 1992 TYP: Action SPIELER: 2 LEVEL: - SPRACHE: Englisch Partnumber: MK-27044-50 EAN: 5023843009929 WERT: 35 Euro

Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Du bist ein weiterer glücklicher Teilnehmer der Spielshow mit dem höchsten aller Preise… DEINEM LEBEN! Wähle 6 Waffen der Zukunft, um gegen Horden von Cyborg-Mutanten, mächtige Himmelskörper, Kampfpanzer und den 30 Tonnen schweren Mutoid Man zu bestehen! Spielmerkmale: 1- oder 2-Spieler-Modus und ein doppelter Steuermechanismus, der Rundumfeuer ermöglich! Basiert auf der Arcade-Version von Williams/Bally.

Congratulations! You're the next lucky contestant on the game show with the ultimate in prizes…YOUR LIFE! Pick 6 futuristic weapons and defeat hordes of cyborg mutants, power orbs, assualt tanks and the 30-ton mutoid man! Features: 1 & 2 player simultaneous action; 2 controller action giving 360 firepower. Based on the Williams/Bally arcade smash.








The year is 1999. The world's most popular television show is Smash T.V., an ultra-violent contest between two armed-to-the-teeth combatants, set loose in a series of deadly arenas that are filled to bursting with hordes of mindless beasts and killer robots. The aim of the game is to blast everything in sight and try to grab more cash and prizes than the other guy. Toaster ovens, VCRs, fancy cars and luxury holidays are there for the taking… for anyone who can survive long enough to enjoy them. Smash T.V. is an insane shoot-em-up from the brain of Eugene Jarvis, creator of Robotron: 2084. It retains that game's frantic style of play and two-joystick control method, but adds plenty of gore, violence, a hint of satire and that all-important two player mode. - www.SMStributes.co.uk

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